Introducing our 2021 Judge

The Aspects Art Show committee is proud to announce that this year’s guest judge will be Kathryn Brimblecombe-Fox, a Brisbane-based visual artist and researcher, and former resident of Goondiwindi.

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It is a welcome return to a region she knows well after living in Goondiwindi for 18 years, before moving to Brisbane in 2000. Kathryn is also very familiar with Aspects as an entrant and committee member and is looking forward to reacquainting herself with the region and local art scene.

“In judging Aspects, I’m keen to see the variety of artworks and I’m expecting high quality, varied responses to the environment and world situation.”

Kathryn has exhibited her art nationally and overseas and is currently a PhD candidate at Curtin University, WA. She completed a Master of Philosophy (Cultural Studies and Art History) at the University of Queensland in 2017 and is an Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Communication and Arts, UQ.

When asked what Kathryn will be looking for when judging Aspects entries, she replies, “I’ll be judging the work with two hats on – as an artist and as an academic.

“I look for works that make me think and where the artist is cognisant of the relationship between the medium and theme.

“Vibrancy in conjunction with practice, and also thinking about what the artist is trying to achieve.”

The Goondiwindi Show attracts artists from all over, with the number and calibre of entries increasing every year. Offering over $30,000 in prize money, Aspects is recognised as a significant regional arts event across the country.

Kathryn’s advice to aspiring artists is “Be experimental and learn from your experiments to become more adept with the medium you choose, and incorporate themes that are important to you.”

And her message for artists entering this year is simply, “Be brave and give it a go!”

“And when you visit the Aspects exhibition, learn from the winning entries.”

So, take up the creative challenge and enter the Aspects Art Show now as entries close Wednesday 7th April. Aspects Opening Night is Thursday 29th April.

For more information go to or call Susie Kelly 0427 712250.


“Create! Put Yourself Out There”


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